Sunday 21 August 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 39 (15th August) - We Climb Bald Rock!!!

We We spend quite a bit of time at the dam wall this morning enjoying spotting the Murray Cod and the beautiful views and sunshine.

By 10.00 am we are packed up and moving on again - with the plan to spend a few days at Girraween NP near Stanthorpe. 
BUT -  not before having to remove a tick, that Ruth found on her back this morning in the shower!!!
Yep - seems I am still a 'tick magnet'!!!!!
I can only assume I got it yesterday when laying on the grass at the campsite.

Our route from Glenlyon Dam takes us East to Tenterfield where we would be turning, a northerly direction to make our way to Girraween. 
About 45 mins out of Tenterfield the weather turns and we arrive there looking for a coffee and freezing - as we have left Glenlyon Dam in shorts and t-shirts and now it is wet, windy and bloody cold!!!

Whilst looking for somewhere to park, and open the tvan so we can get some warm trackies out, we decide we might just stay a night in Tenterfield and head out to Bald Rock NP before moving on.

We spot the Tenterfield showground camping reserve basically a street back from the main drag and here we set up camp for the night.

All rugged up now - we decide to walk up town for lunch - get some nice warm comfort food in us and find somewhere nice and warm to defrost for a while.

A good hour or so later we are back at the showground and the sun is out, the rain is looking like it is going to clear away - and well it looks a whole lot more pleasant an afternoon.

We decide to fill in the afternoon checking out some of Bald Rock NP - it's only a 27km drive just out of Tenterfield and it turns out to be a lovely drive out there to the start of the walks.

The weather is still looking reasonably ok -- and a good hard walk will keep us warm - so we embark on the walk to the summit of Bald Rock itself - up the steep face of course.
That's 1.2km very steep climb/walk/crawl up to the summit!!

Needless to say it was damm windy and very steep - so Moores was not really that happy going up!!
It is stunning though as we climb steeply - and the expansive view quickly opens up for us!!

Having a rest halfway up!!!

Then we reach the view at the top -  lovely!!!!

 BUT -- its now looking overcast and possible rain again - so we do not hang around to enjoy it - as even though we are taking the longer, gentler walk down we do still have a bit of steepish rock face to negotiate before the gentle bush walk begins.

The walk down through the bush is quite beautiful as well and there are lots of funky rock formations and wattle!!

We make it down with only a light shower of rain and are soon driving back to Tenterfield - as it is now 3.30pm.

The drive back we have to be extremely watchful for wildlife - as it is again very overcast and the kangaroos are out and about - quite a few hopping across the road as we are approaching. Vigilance and slower speed means we are able to spot them in time and avoid adding to the road kill numbers on these roads.

We noticed this sign board on our drive back into town and pulled off for a look. Unfortunately we could not locate the posts they referred to in the vicinity of the sign and it seemed we might have to venture further into the bush on foot to find them.
We decided to leave this for today.

We have made the decision we will stay two night in Tenterfield. - and have a bit better look around the place.
Tenterfield is somewhere we have both driven through many many times - always open route to somewhere further afield - either heading south or home north. 
It would be nice to actually take a little time to look around!!

Early evening back at camp we were treated to a lovely - albeit murky - sunset today!!

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