Sunday 14 August 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 32 (8th August) - Free Camp Mays Bend (Bourke)

This morning we have left Walgett hoping to be able to get to "Comeroo" - a sheep and cattle station NW of Bourke.

I have been ringing & emailed the owners at "Comeroo" to confirm that the roads are okay and we are all good to rock up there for a couple of nights camping. But - at the time we leave Walgett - I still have not been able to make contact with them.

On route this morning we stop for a coffee at Brewarrina. This sign makes us laugh - but this is the reality out here. The newsagent in Walgett also sells guns and ammo.

We get to Bourke - do some groceries and have a picnic lunch by the old wharf on the Darling River.
It's about then that the owner of "Comeroo" rings me. It's a pretty quick conversation - but the gist of it is that roads should be okay and he is not there at the moment but there is someone there looking after the place.

By this time we decide it is going to be too late to get to "Comeroo" today - we don't like to be driving these wildlife littered roads at dusk or later. 
We decide to check out a free camp just out of North Bourke - that I have been told about - and rates well on Wikki camps.

We find the sign to "Mays Bend" (the campsite we are looking for) and follow a few other vehicles in quite a distance from the main road to the campsites at a bend in the Darling River.
It's a lovely spot - as we were advised!!

The road in was pretty rough in places and wet - so we hope not to get any rain overnight - else it might be fun getting out. Well we won't be the only ones stuck here - there are at least a half dozen other campers in here that we know of.

We are early enough to enjoy the late afternoon sun - before darkness starts to descend.

Thanx to Russ sending us on our way with a decent supply of firewood for a night -  and the campers just below us insisting on bringing us up another couple of good sized logs - we have a cracker of a warm fire tonight.
Our neighbouring campers were really considerate to do this and also said if we needed anything - that they were close by. Very decent of them to be so considerate and caring of us - and I told them we really appreciated it.

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