Sunday 14 August 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 31 (7th August) - A Day out to sights around 'The Ridge'

Sunday morning we are off for a guided tour (thanx Cindy - our tour guide) to some of the more quirky places around the Lightning Ridge area.

We pack the swimmers and towels as well - as we plan to swing into Lightning Ridge  to the Hot Artesian Baths for a dip before we head home today.

We are heading to the outer Lightning Ridge Opal mining lease area - these areas are pretty rough - and in a sense a bit lawless. But if you keep to the signed roads, following the directions to the 'pubs' out here then you will be okay. It just would not be a good idea to trespass on any ones mining leases and you see "No Trespassing" signs all around us as we follow the tracks in around heading for the pubs.

The "Bra Tree"

There are lots of interesting signs around the traps -- like this one -  "Cars with brakes GUVE WAY"

And then we see the "bus stop" - adorned with some of the many 'pilfered'roadway signage from who knows where??

Our first stop today is the "Sheepyard Inn" 

Inside the Sheepyard Inn is very interesting - as there are walls covered in an organised list of 'service numbers' - from men who have served in the Vietnam War mostly I believe. 
Russell has told us that there are a lot of very anti-social guys living out in this area - and we wonder could a number of them be returned Vietnam Veterans - quite possibly with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) who have opted out of regular society and found a home here in this backwater.

Apparently these areas have a large number of 'cold cases' - things happen here and everyone closes up - they hate interference in their lives and society and they hate the police. 

There was this rather unusual sign posted on the notice board. Something you are not likely to see too many places you might go!!!  

Next stop on our tour today  - is the 'Glengarry Hilton' - another pub out here started for the miners - but now also a tourist destination in itself.

This pub trades 8 days a week - 6am to 6am - it never closes!!

We grab some drinks here at the "Glengarry" and head over to Grawin to the "Club In the Scrub" for our lunch - yes that is its name!!

Here they have the "Grawin Weather Rock" - which I am assured is never wrong!!!  - How could it be??

They have free camping out the back of the "Club In the Scrub" -- and a golf course all are welcome to play on. Oops - this guy has over hit the course and ended up beside someone's caravan for his shot to the tee on the last hole. 
You like his golf buggy - the quad bike holds his gold bag with all of his 3 golf clubs - a wood, an iron and a putter!!!!

There is a cute cactus garden out back near the golf course as well ---

Well Cindy was correct -  they do a great lunch here at the "Club in the Scrub"

We meet an interesting club member - yep it is a legal registered club and you have to sign in before entry just as you do at clubs everywhere else.
This old fella is collecting donations for the RFDS - you pay/make a donation to photograph his teeth. 

Take a look - his teeth are capped with opals!!!!!!!!  Not sure if they are real - that is the opals and or his teeth!!!!

After lunch we are off to the artesian baths at Lightning Ridge - and they are '&**!*?*' hot today - we could not stay immersed in the main pool long at all - and it was even pretty damm warm in the 'cooler' pool.
We did manage to get a couple of selfies in the pool ----

We were back home in time to head out for another walk at "Fairlands" - with the sun setting just as we got back t the homestead

We've had a great time visiting with Cindy and Russ - and meeting their friends Helen and Greg and Hannah (and their dogs and horses and lambsies). Thankyou all so much for sharing your world with us for a short time!!

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