Monday 15 August 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 33/34 (9/10th August) - "Comeroo" - the Bore Campsite Oasis!!

We left Mays Bend this morning to head for Comeroo Station. 
We took it pretty easy and didn't rush as it was a lovely morning and we were enjoying sunning ourselves in the warmth after a cold start.

We had no trouble getting out of Mays Bend as fortunately there had been no rain overnight - phew - that was lucky!!!

It was then heading 100km north to Enngonia - where we hook a left (West) on 80km of red dirt - which was mostly pretty good. There were some rough sections and some very soft sections - but on the whole it was a good road to travel.

And yes we are back in that beautiful red dirt we love so much!!!!  yeah!!!!!

We arrived at lunch time and could not raise anybody anywhere around the buildings at the homestead.

It was clear there was someone around - as there was a frozen leg of lamb out defrosting on the tanle in the camp kitchen - and the campfire outside was still smouldering.

The sign advise - "if there is no one about at the homestead - just make yourself at home in the camp kitchen - as we are probably out working around the property and someone will be with you soon"

So we sorted ourselves out for lunch - made toast and had ourselves some cheese and tomato on toast for lunch. It was just after this that a guy and woman turned up.

First thing they ask is - "Are you the new caretakers?"   What the!!!!!!!
Our reply was a definite No!

Apparently the owner Bruce still had not returned - he had gone to Tamworth to pick up a new plane. He was expected late tomorrow afternoon and they needed to leave to go back to Dubbo early tomorrow morning - plus they had been advised that there were new caretakers arriving.

So all this did not present as a very organised set up and we were a bit out off by it -  but we paid our fees to camp out a the bore head for 2 nights.  Well they took our money.  We got no receipt and they did not ask our names or any information.
Moores was really not impressed by any of this and already starting to think coming here was a bad idea.

We had to go back along the road we had travelled on for about 13 km and the turn left onto a track that led us to the bore head.
There was only one other couple camped out here - but they seemed really nice. They were from Lemon Tree Passage (Port Stephens) - and would only be here for tonight - leaving tomorrow morning. 

Moores was not happy that we would be out there on our own the next night - especially since everything at the homestead was so disorganised and potentially no one new we were there.

But stay we did and my I found it just so bloody relaxing in this little oasis by the bore head.

As you will see from the photos - they have set up a spa bath - with the bore water piped directly to it. You just put in the plug and turn on the water flow and wait for it to fill up to your desired level. 

It was only a short wait - as the pipe was a good 2+ inches diameter and the flow quite fast.
You then just pull the plug and it drains away - ready for the next time someone wants to use it.

And it was just soooooo relaxing!!!!!!!!!!!  The water was quite hot - but easily bearable to stay in there - no where near as hot as Lightning Ridge pool was a couple of days ago.

We jumped in late afternoon the day we arrived, early morning and after dark the next day - and a very early morning dip on our last morning there. Every time was as awesome as the last!!!!!!

I was very sad not to stay a third night, as I was enjoying the artesian tub so much and the days were gorgeous and sunny for us and we were running around in shorts --- at last!!!!! 

The toilet looked pretty ordinary and the path to it overgrown with weeds ---   BUT ---- to our surprise ---

---- would you believe - it is a flushing toilet!!!!!!!

There was plenty of firewood to be scrounged - so we were plenty warm at night and we were able to enjoy a camp oven dinner cooked in the coals of the fire. 

The sunsets were sensational out here ---

And the sky after dark, on our first evening,  was so so very clear and that wonderful chandelier of stars was laid out gorgeously above us. Our entertainment for the evening was counting the satellites we spotted passing overhead - 6 in total - all in that one super clear night sky - more than our total for the trip so far.

Moores was pretty uneasy being out there on our own - especially after two cars of guys appeared at the bore, with beers in hand, around lunchtime on the second day. 
We were just thinking - this looks bloody great - when the older of the guys (who was not drinking) came over and introduced I self to us and told us what they were all about. I think he realised we were a little spooked and went out of his way to make us feel comfortable.
They were all pretty friendly and chatty really and not just a bunch of yobbos after all!!!

They were from Shepparton, Vic and were actually staying at the Shearers quarters up at the homestead - they come every year to go pig shooting on the property - for sport. 
They had come out to the bore to have a decent wash as the showers at the Shearers quarters had dirty brown water pumped straight from the river nearby. They weren't sure if they were getting cleaner or dirtier showering in it.

It must have been hot in the bore water in the middle of the day - but they hung around for a good hour or so bathing and washing clothes -- and then left us to it.

So we only had two nights - much to my disappointment - with Moores not being happy about a third night out there all on our own.

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