Friday 12 August 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 27/28 (3/4 August) - Ever heard of Gulargambone!!

We arrived at Gulargmbone yesterday in time for lunch and we were set up in a sheltered spot, tucked in behind the large camp kitchen shed before the rain caught up with us.
Of course then it set in with a vengeance - so really it was good timing for us.

The plan was to stay for one night only here in Gulargambone - but we had a pretty disturbed night with very strong gusty winds coming through with a storm. The bloody wind came from the opposite direction to the regular prevailing winds - so we were not protected as we thought when we positioned ourselves in camp as advised by the owner.
In the middle of the night we had to get up, in the wind and rain, and stow away the awning - it was not coping with the wind gusts we were getting on that side of us.

With the rain settling in for the day it was decided we would be staying put here for another night - with the added bonus - it would be camp oven roast dinner tonight - cooked by the owner (David) for $10 each. It really was not a hard decision - we are loving it here  - everyone is just so friendly and welcoming.

It really is a great little park here in Gulargambone - super friendly and helpful owners who have a loyal following of regulars coming back to them. David and Bernadette have only owned this park for 2.5years - and have already made several improvements  - with more planned in the near future.

The camp kitchen is very well set up with lots of room - including tables, chairs and lounge inside.

I think this sign says it all - it's pretty much their motto here I think!!!!
In case you cannot read it the sign says --- "The best times in life are the people you meet, The places you go and the Friendships you make"

They even have a cute menagerie of animals - alpacas, chooks, ducks, geese, goats and turkeys.

I loved what they have done to disguise the dump point" - a creative, quirky idea isn't it!!

There is a communal fire every night - and during the day in colder weather - and they have free happy hour snacks provided every evening. They do something different every night for the snacks. A variety of dampers, pizzas (the have a pizza oven in the camp kitchen) and mini spring rolls were enjoyed by us whilst we were there. All are prepared and cooked in the camp kitchen by the owners (and assitants) - the dampers cooked in camp ovens at the communal fire pit.

After our first day here just relaxing and chatting around the fire (as it rained all day) - we were treated to an amazing camp oven roast beef and veges dinner, also all cooked in the camp ovens in the fire pit. It was a generous helping - a huge plate full and very very yummy!!!!

We did walk down (in the rain) to the local cafe /craft shop/gallery/ information centre for a coffee and cake. The food at this award winning cafe was really good and we really did enjoy watching the DVD about the town, and the creation of the Cafe '2828' (that's the postcode here) and how Gulargambone has won so many awards. It's a very inspirational story of a small regional town pulling together as a community to create something special to attract both regional locals and travellers to their town.

Here are just some of the "Galahs" that adorn the town these days - they are scattered around every entry point to Galargambone.

We were enjoying the company of all the other campers and just being here - that we decide to stay a third night.  This would be soup and damper night. The owners do the roast camp oven dinner on Sunday and We'd nights and the. Soup and damper the following nights - using left over meat and veg for the soup. Again it was a really yummy treat - for free!!

On two of the nights whilst here we had impromptu entertainment provided by some other travellers - it was very very good and enjoyed by all.

We finally bid Galargambone (or "GulargamHOME" as a couple of regulars call it) after 3 lovely nights stay. It's a special place to visit and I would highly recommend it to all - Dave and Bernadette are the most welcoming hosts you could ever find anywhere. Not to forget their resident assistants/ all round handy people here during peak time - Robbo and Yoke -  are just wonderful friendly folk as well and we greatly enjoyed their companionship during our stay.

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