Sunday 30 July 2017

Road Trip 2017 - Day 18 (25th July) - We find ourselves at friendly Mungungo Pub (just out of Monto)!!

Very cold morning here in Cracow - I am chasing the sun around having cup of tea and breakfast this morning!!

Packed up and heading out this morning I see that the camper electric brakes light is flashing abnormally although they appear to be working. So out comes the manual and I find in the troubleshooting section that this sequence of coloured lights indicates a fault in the system somewhere. Just marvey!!!!!!
Got out the trusty Innox spray and sprayed the electrical plug fittings - hooked it all back up - and hey presto its all good now. Must have just been dirty contacts - as I hoped it would be - phew!!!!

Our travel destination today will be Mungungo pub just out of Monto - so that we can had east across country from there to Miriam Vale/1770 the following day to meet up with Cindy and Russ. (we had travelled this road on route to Monto some years ago now in the Honda and we remember it as a pretty good dirt road).

We are passing through Eidsvold on the way and stopping at the newly established R M Williams Bush Learning Centre locate just on the outskirts of town.

Of course we find a coffee shop in Eidsvold first and just have to fit one of the yummy sausage rolls as well before moving on.

Although small we find the RM Williams centre quite interesting with the displays and videos they have about this man and his life. I had not realised that he started making his iconic boots as a fledgling business and he really only made his wealth and started buying property after making good with a gold strike. 
He was a very hard working man with an ethic of genuine fairness and responsibility to all he dealt with and employed - and he had a real affinity and love for horses.

Below is said to be one of Reg Williams (RM) favourite pieces of poetry

We learnt that he bought a claim hoping to find gold and struck it lucky - with the shares sky rocketing overnight almost when it started producing.

The display also presented some information in general about life in the outback and I particularly liked these words about the importance the grasses.

The centre also houses a memorial to aboriginals who have served in combat in the Australian Forces and some lovely art works from a local aboriginal artist

We had to make a stop in lovely Monto (where we have previously visited some years ago when camping a week at Cania Gorge) - to go the butchers. We love these country butchers!!

Heading out then to Mungungo Pub (some 14km along the road we intended to travel tomorrow- we see a sign telling us that this Monto-Gladstone road is not suitable for caravans. We decide to head out to the pub anyway and ask them there about the road ahead.

What a good decision that was!!! We could have stayed in a free camp in Monto - but we are so glad we continued on to this out of the way pub - it had a great free camp (with 2x other vans) behind the pub - and we had the best afternoon having a few drinks and chatting with the lovely lady who is the publican -and meeting some of the locals (mind you there are not many locals here)!!!

This is a great little pub with a lovely friendly and very helpful landlady - 

-  and we had a lovely afternoon having a drink on the front verandah in the sun and then later in the bar chatting.

Our view from the front verandah - it was just so relaxing in the late afternoon sun - 

Memorable locals were Tanya - the extra/fill in cook; Max who used to run a local vineyard (now closed); the old guy who drove the old 4wd the 50 metres from his house to the pub (and the car was still there next morning - obviously couldn't drive home), the old guys dog who entertained with the antics trying to jump into the 4wd through an open window; and also Albert a neighbours Jack Russell who wanted us to play "throw the stick" whilst we were getting our dinner ready. 

Albert got called home when he started barking - lady yelled at the top of her voice, from up the back of us somewhere - "Albert stop annoying those people and get home" - and off he scampered home.

Thankyou Mungungo pub for your hospitality, great hot showers and facilities - and very very helpful advice about the roads.

Loved this sign on the bar door - 

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