Wednesday 26 July 2017

Road Trip 2017 - Day 14 (21st July) - Our last day Camping at Carnarvon Gorge!!

We awake to a beautiful crisp morning - but as usual once the sun gets up and you are out there in it you start to warm up.

You can't get any better than this sunrise view from my bed side window camped here in Sandstone Park

 It promises to be a gorgeous day and we take it a bit more leisurely this morning with breakfast - before heading off to do a couple of short walks we have not done before.

We elect to walk to the Rockpools from the NP visitor centre - a pretty 3.6km return trip with some easy creek crossings. These two pools are the only designated swimming holes in the Gorge and they are also the most changeable locations from year to year as all of the 35km long gorge's runoff must pass through them.

Next we head to Mickey Creek and Warrumbah Gorge. 

About a kilometre in from the start of Mickey Creek track it forks with Warrumbah Gorge track turning off to the right. You can walk a defined maintained track into the beginning of the gorge - but then a sign advises that the maintained track ends and warned that you can proceed with care if you are comfortable with the terrain. 

Of course I have to ge exploring further with another couple - although Moores decides to wait for my return. 

Within the next 100 metres the gorge narrows to a slot canyon and I places you can touch both walls with outstretched arms. It's not terribly difficult terrain but involves a lot of rock hopping and clambering and eventually you will have to get your feet wet.

This photo I took looking up above me in the gorge

Nice stunned look - whilst trying to take a "selfie" in the gorge.

I head in the furthest - but eventually decide I do not want to go any further when it gets to the point where I can no longer proceed without getting my boots/feet wet. I am also conscious that I would be on my own if I proceed and also that Moores is patiently (Not!!) waiting for me.

We spend our last afternoon enjoying the beauty and peacefulness of this site and cooking camp oven dinner in the fire coals.

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