Monday 15 July 2013

Day 45: A day in Charleville

An interesting piece of trivia:
The original owner, Poppa Corones, of the Historic Corones Hotel/Motel (where we are staying) - supplied the first in-flight catering for the fledging QANTAS airline.

We take the ute out to the Suncorp selected smash repairs and walk back into town.
Fortunately they have a windscreen to fit in stock - but it woill not be ready until about 3 or 4 pm.
So we make the decision to stay another night- as it is a bit late to start the 210 km trip back to Quilpie at this time of day - as there is a lot of wildlife along this road and we would be driving at dusk.

The rest of the morning is taken up with shoppin for tomorrow's brekkie and lunch today and coffee at the bakery.
i also decide, with the time on my hands- being here today, to have a haircut at one of the 8x local hairdressers.

Back to the hotel room for lunch and we then headed out to the Bilby Experience centre & National Parks office - another deent walk for us today to get here.

The Bilby section was not open - so no Bilby viewing for us today!

The National Parks have an enclosure of yellow-footed rock wallabies on view to the public - I think there was about 15 in the enclosure and many of the females had joeys.

See the little joey poking out of the mohers pounch!!

It was great to see these little fellas as it is almost impossible to sit them in the wild as they blend in so well to their environment and as they are very timid they quickly hide in or behind rocks.

They also had a display which included a magnificent Wedge-Tailed Eagle (a previous road kill victim - that has been stuffed):

Ruth had a chat with the Ranger about the Currawinya NP down south from here - and he has confirmed that there is water in the lakes there - so we have now decided that this will definitely be on our planned agenda once we get back on the road.

We then walked out of town a bit further, to the parklands, to view these Vortex Guns.
Vortex guns had been successfully used all over Europe to disperse hail-bearing clouds and thereby protect crops. In 1902 in a vain attempt to break the long standing drought in QLD there were 13 lf these ortex Guns manufactured and trialled in Charleville and a couple of other locations. The trials proved unsuccessful and most of the guns were broken up for scrap metal.

We picked up the ute and headed back into town at about 3.30 pm.

Since we were here in a bigger regional centre we had taken the opportunity and pre-arranged earlier today to drop the ute at a service centre to have the oil changed, new oil filter as well as a new air filter fitted. We thought it was a good idea since we have done almost 8000 km since leaving home and we have been travelling in a lot of dust in the outback.

Tomorrow we will drive back to Quilpie to pick up where we left off - hook up the tvan and head for Toompine for the night.

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