Thursday 11 July 2013

Day 26: Last day at Carnarvon Gorge

There was the most gorgeous sunrise when woke up early this morning Before anyone else was up and about - so i was out in the freezing cold capturing the moment.

Today we planned only a short half day of hiking - although it would be our shortest in length it would by no means be the easiest.

We left around 8.30am for the walk up Boolimba Bluff, which towers 200m above Carnarvon Creek.
This involved a hike of 3.2km one-way that has very steep sections - the steepest consisting of almost vertical ascent up rock steps and ladders for 300m.

For our efforts we were presented with spectacular panorama out above the cliff lines - and a vista gazing out to the distant ranges. It is not really possble to capture the awesome beauty of this scene in our photos.

Making our way back down from he bluff was almost as slow and difficult as the ascent & after reaching the main track again we decided that an afternoon of resting around the campsite was in order.

We made our way across our last creek crossing on iur back to the campsite. We would have loved to have been staying longer in someways as there is so much more hiking we have yet to complete here and you could easily stay for a week hiking and just absorbing the beauty whilst relaxing by the creek.

Cindy is freakish at spotting wildflowers - and we spent a lot of time admiring many of her finds on the return leg of the hike. Her motto is "heads down"!

We played games and cards for the arvo and started to pack up for our departure tomorrow morning. Russ even treated us when he decided to take a drive down to a private resort just outside the National Park and bring back take away coffee.

The general consensus was that we would definitely be planning to return to Carnarvon Gorge on another holiday as we still have more hiking that we did not yet complete in the area and it is such an awesome place.

We would probably try to plan for a warmer time of year however!!- this would provide opportunities for swimming as well. We think that September would be a good time or perhaps April.

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