Monday 15 July 2013

Day 33: Exploring Carisbrooke Station

Today was spent exploring around the 4wd tracks of Carisbrooke. It has an amazing variety of landscapes and we found ourselves clambering up hills to lookouts, rock hunting and generally exploring the area around the property.

Speaking of rock hunting Cindy was given a limit on the size of the "rock collection" she cold take home - so we had to sit down back at camp and sort through the bucket of rocks and make a selection of what could be taken home.

Here is one of the Australian Bustards we saw along the way today:

There was apparently a French "survivor" type show filmed here some years ago and there is still some evidence left behind of the props/sets they had set up for this.

Tonight was too good an opportunity to miss for being able to have a camp oven dinner again we had another great night around the fire with good company,good food, wine and port.

The sunset was as always spectacular- and the light ever changing as the sun disappears:

This station is unfortunately not quite what we expected for a station stay. It is not actually a working station as such any more - which seems a shame although they do still do some sporadic agistment of cattle.
The marketing for the property does not make this clear in and we thought we would be getting more of a working station experience.

However we did enjoy our time exploring the property and Ruth enjoyed the driving - getting more confidence with simple basics of off road driving.

We also enjoyed chatting with other people camped here - most from Brisbane area with kids. Some of the kids had never been into the bush before and were having a great time climbing rock hills and just collecting lots of rocks.
In fact these people were from a suburb not 5 minutes from where we live.

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