Friday 14 June 2013

Day 10 - Lawn Hill National Park

The morning of Day 10 we kept to our plan and got up in time to leave for a walk in the NP at daybreak ( mind you that is pretty civilised at around 6.45am here at the moment).

It was just such a beautiful time of day to do any walks as it is still pretty hot up here - we are actually in the Gulf land region of Oz.

The walk we did took us to Indarri Falls lookout and Duwadarri lookout up around the middle gorge area of Lawn Hill National Park. It was an awesome hour and half walk at this time of day as we saw the sun breaking over the hill and spreading across to the western wall of the gorge.

I think the photos will best set the scene

Just to give you a litle info about this place - for those who might be interested:

Boodjamulla National Park is considered to be an oasis in the desert. Its situated NW of Mt Isa and home to a spectacular gorge, sandstone ridges and the World Heritage listed Riversleigh fossil fields.

Water flows in Lawn Hill creek all through the year and water is also provided from Gregory and O'Shannassay Rivers.

Lawn Hill Gorge is formed by Lawn Hill Creek which is fed by numerous freshwater springs from the limestone plateau to the west.

The park lies on ancient sandstone of the Constance Range, between the Barkly Tablelands to the SW and the black soils of the Gulf Savannah Plains to the E.

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