Thursday 4 June 2015

Day 5 - 3rd June 2015: Devils Marbles to the Daly Waters Pub

Ruth had an early start this morning - jumping up as soon as it looked liked daylight was on its way.

I grabbed the camera and scampered up onto the Devils Marbles again - just a wee bit tricky in the darkness before dawn!! 

The full moon was now starting to set over the "Marbles" and the sun was starting to show some colour in the eastern sky. 

I was the only one up this early and it was nice to be able to make my way up and wander around, all on my own, taking shots of the different rocks when the morning subdued light was just starting to hit them. 

Of course I was never going to be up there too long on my own - but it was nice whilst it lasted.

I was lucky enough to again be able to be witness to the synchronosity of the moon and sun making their path around our planet. This morning was just the opposite of what we had witnessed last night. This time I watched the moon descending to the horizon in the western sky as the sun was rising in the eastern sky. It was almost perfectly synchronous with one just dipping below the horizon as the other rose out of it.

Once sunrise was compete it was back down to the campsite for breakfast and packing up ready to move off further north to Daly Waters Pub for our next over it stop.

Today was not a long drive - l30km run into Threeways - the intersection of the Barkley and Stuart Highways. 

Threeways had Telstra range - so we had to make a coffee stop here and take the opportunity to upload the blog.  The rest of our journey today was the 376km to our overnight stop - the Daly Waters Pub and Campground. 

We did make a brief stop at the Tennant Creek Old Telegrah Station - a very well preserved historic precinct on the outskirts of Tennant Creek.

Here we have the Kitchen and dining areas. Just one of many buildings making up this Telegraph station.

It seems the Overland Telegraph Line became a lifeline to travellers - explorers and Stockmen alike who would follow along the route of the Telegraph Line stopping at the many outposts along the way - where they were seemingly welcomed and fed - as the men who worked the Telegraph Line outposts were happy to have some new company to converse with.

This lovely little building was the cellar and had steps leading below ground - where they were able to keep many foods and drink cool in the endless hot weather that they would endure.

A sweet little wildflower that I could not resist photographing.

The Daly Waters Pub - was a relatively good price at $16 for the site with hot showers and flushing toilets. They also have a pool - where we took a nice dip - as it was still 30 degrees when we arrived around 3.30pm. 

There are some quirky sites around this pub!!

The guy that directed us into our campsite was riding this bike with a toy horse strapped to the front of it. Notice the sun by holder as well!!

We booked in for the famous Barra feast, as did I think, everyone else staying here tonight. We made sure we headed over for happy hour which was pretty good at $3.50 for wine and beer for an hour before dinner. 

It was a great feed and combined with live entertainment was a pretty good deal.

We were pretty tired again and falling asleep once 8pm rolled around. So early to bed again for these poor old buggers!

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