Monday 7 April 2014

Saturday 5th April, 2014: Hidden Gorge walking trail!!

It was a fairly cool night and equally chilly morning to start - until the sun peeped over the hills behind us.

A load of hand washing (undies and stuff) done and hung out on Ruth's "Undie" tree we were ready for our planned hike here in Mt Remarkable NP. Sorry no photos of the infamous "Undie" tree this time round.

Hidden Gorge hike was our ambitious selection for today - a 18km loop starting and ending at the Mambray Creek campground.  We were promised lovely gorges and spectacular views along this hike.

We were hopeful of seeing some of the endangered Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby along the ways - but alas we were not that fortunate today. We did however catch sight of a wedge-tailed eagle.
It's unfortunately not a great photo as he was some distance away and in the shade of the tree.

The walk was graded moderate - but I would have to say that it was a pretty tough walk mainly because of the many dry creek beds we traversed which make for very uneven walking paths. Your feet start to feel the harshness of the rocks underfoot after walking most of the day over this sort of terrain - despite them being encased in a good pair of walking boots.

We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch in a cool overhang in one of the gorges.

And here is my latest attempt at a "self-portrait" - whilst holding the camera out at arm's length.

Fortunately it was not a hot day - probably around the 26 degree mark I'd reckon. 
We saw very few other people on the walk but at the top where we came out onto the fire trail we ran into two guys who suggested that we could continue down the fire trail instead of going back via the bluff and another gorge. 

We thought this sounded a good option as we could see that we were going to have some spectacular views along the fire trail heading down from the ridge line. We came around a corner and turned west and the vista opened up for us at the top of the fire trail - it was just so clear and you could see to the top of Spencer Gulf and to the other side and way down south as well. 

We stopped part way down in the shade, ate our apples and just absorbed this enormous vista.

The walk down the fire trail was so steep that they had secured a wire mesh (rheo I think) on to the track held in place by large metal nails. We assumed this was probably to help the vehicles get up ther and to stop the track getting washed away too much.

The only trouble was the track seemed never-ending and we started to worry that we were not going to end up anywhere near the campground. 
Moral of the story is either keep the faith that you have been given good advice - or maybe that you should never stray from the marked track you are on.
Anyway it all ended well when we finally turned a corner and the sign said "to camping area" - we just were not sure which camping area - but by that stage anywhere remotely near where we were supposed to be was going to be okay as far as I was concerned.

In actual fact it came out to the main camping area where we were camped and the walk had not taken us any longer than we had factored that it would when we set off in the morning. 
So all's well that ends well I guess.

We were very tired and foot sore as we have not done such a long walk for a very long time and it was very hard underfoot. After a very welcome cold drink of water from the fridge we headed for the showers and a bit of a "Nanna nap" before getting sorted for an afternoon cup of tea. 
(Seeing as we have become tea totallers now)

Need less to say it was an early night in bed!!

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