Sunday 13 April 2014

Saturday 12th April, 2014: The Walk to Rawnsley Bluff!!!

This morning everyone in the group was up early to head off on our planned walk. The big walk upto Rawnsley Bluff.

This is a 12km return walk and involves. Some very steep sections with rocks to climb up along the way to the top of Rawnsley Bluff. The promise for this effort was some spectacular scenery and the challenge to just complete this difficult walk.

We all managed to get to the top - some had more of a struggle than others and all the kids coped excellently-  especially little Haley.  Not a word of complaint I heard the whole trip from any the kids - except "Mum I'm hungry".

Here we all are on the way up!!

And now we have reached the top -- yippee!!   There were a lot of sore legs from the climb up!! 
BUT we were all blown away with the vista before us and realising how hight we are up on this bluff!!

We took turns climbing out onto this big rock and having our photos taken - what a bunch of posers we are!!!!

The kids all enjoyed themselves and Connor found this little lizard under a rock on the way up - he found a few others as well. He sure is pretty good at looking in the right places and spotting them.

Of course after all the photo taking and snacks - we had to start heading back down the track we had just climbed up. It was going to be just as hard - if not harder in the steeper rocky sections - going down as is was coming up.

We took a detour on the way down onto a track to the Wilpena Pound lookout. Seems like -"why not?"- we have come all this way we can do this track as well - it's only another 1.2 km!
But it was all worth it and this also was another spectacular vista looking down into Wilpena Pound.
Unfortunately my photos do not do it justice - it's just very difficult to take a scene of such grandeur and cramp it into a small photo view.

I think we all found the going down the steeper sections pretty tough on the knees - oh except Haley and Connor and Lachlan. These little whipper snappers just ate it up!!

We were all glad we had done the walk though - even though at the end we we pretty well knackered and looking forward to getting back to camp for a shower and a rest up.

One amusing sight was Moores - deciding to shave her legs this afternoon back at camp

After some resting up we starting functioning again and got ourselves organised on the rise behind our campsites to watch the sunset on Rawnsley Bluff and the surrounding ranges.

I also had some fun mucking about with this new camera of mine 

- taking a black and white photo

And one in sepia tones

Dinner tonight was another fantastic camp oven prepared by Lisa - a Moroccan Lamb dish - oops she had bought beef - not lamb. But this did not matter and it turned out a very tasty much enjoyed meal around the campfire.

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