Saturday 16 July 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 5 (12th July) - Gundabooka National Park

Our first morning at Gundabooka was cold and a heavy dew have made everything damp. 
A breakfast of porridge helped us to get moving and it wasn't long before the sun was on our campsite and warming us.

We decide to unhitch the ute and take a drive to the Yapa (Mulgowan) Art Site Walk. This is a 40 minute walk from the car park to a lovely little gorge with the flowing waters of Mulareeya Creek.

There is now running creek water and rockpools after the rains they have had in recent months ---- 

------  and the aboriginal art site under a large rock overhang. It is not a particularly large art site but interesting all the same. It's easy to see why this gorge would have add a great spot for a wandering tribe to live for a while - it has lots of summer shade, along with the running waters and good protection from the elements at various times of the year.

We were back for a late lunch and after setting the fire for tonight we set off on a 4km afternoon walk.
Back at camp we enjoyed the remainder of the sun whilst relaxing and reading.

Later around our campfire we enjoyed a few red wines and then another great campsite meal - cooked by our camp "chef" - Moores.

A chandelier of stars spread out above us as we enjoyed the campfire - but eventually the cold drove us into an early bedtime.

We loved this campsite at Dry Tank - but I must say we were quite surprised that we saw no wildlife at all whilst camping here - even though we had seen lots of tracks around the area of the campsite. We believe these tracks to be kangaroo, goats, feral cats, emu and possibly pigs tracks - but we saw not a one.

We did see some lovely little birds ---- adorned with bright red colouring that made them hard to miss - but they were of the "never stay still" type - so we have no photos to record our sightings. We believe they are the scarlet or red-capped robin.

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