Friday 29 July 2016

Road Trip 2016 - Day 17 (24th July) - Overnight in Buronga - a nice warm Camp Kitchen

Thank god we did not not get those huge winds again last night - it was all pretty calm - totally different from the previous night we experienced here in Mungo NP.

It is very very cold when we get up this morning and a bit overcast so the sun is not warming us as effectively as yesterday. That makes it hard to get motivated to get going - especially when you would rather just snuggle up with doona and read in bed.

We are packing up this morning and heading off - leaving Mungo - as the weather forecast is looking bad again - more really windy and wet weather on the way in the next couple of days.

The journey back along the same road to Buronga is drier than when we came out - but we find it a bumpier trip because now you feel the corrugations in the road.

We again see lots of big kangaroos and emus along the way.

Now just check out this "Rest Area" - not bed.  Has television, sattelite dish, lounge and more. 
We had passed by this on our way out to Mungo - but decided we would stop on the return journey.

Amazing the trouble some people go to to create some fun out here!!!

Even has the toilet out back!!

We reach Buronga and check into the Riverside Caravan Park - where at the office I purchase bag of beautiful fresh ripe tomatoes from a local farm. About a kilo I reckon - for $3!!! We will use these for a yummy tomato based dish for dinner tonight - can't get fresher meal than that!!

The site we are given is on the river front looking across the Murray River to Mildura. We hope the winds are not too bad tonight!!

Then it's into Mildura for lunch - not much to choose from on a Sunday afternoon - but we find a nice bakery - lovely & warm -with great coffee and food.
We are just settling into our lunch when it starts to pour rain - not happy Jan!!!!   - we have put the bath towels out on the line to dry after having a much needed shower before coming across the river to Mildura.

Being around Mildura- we are seeing lots of vineyards and orchards - even quite close around the town. They are just everywhere!!

We finish up lunch and head into the supermarket for some supplies - and the rain just keeps coming down.

A great bonus with this caravan park is that we are located straight across from a very well equipped camp kitchen - fully enclosed and with a gas heater. It is soooo warm - a bit of luxury for us tonight.
We cook and eat dinner in this luxury - and even watch a bit of television. Lucky Moores!!!

I even washed a few undies and - much to Moores disgust - had them drying on chairs - along with the now damp towels - around the gas heater. Lucky no one else was using the camp kitchen tonight.

By bedtime the wind is blowing up pretty strong - and again I spend the night waking up periodically listening - and wondering how the canvas tent part of our tvan is coping with this hammering. But - all is good and tvan does not let us down.

I must say that we have not been cold at all in bed in the "cocoon" that is our tvan bed. Once in bed and under the warm doona we are "snug as bugs in a rug"!!!

Really the coldness has not been that big an issue either during the day. I like the crisp cold air of winter down here. As long as you are dressed for it - you can be quite comfortable.
It's the really strong cold winds that are annoying and uncomfortable for us - and rain in this cold makes it miserable being outside.

We have therefore decided we will head to Echuca and have a look around there and then head north hoping to escape some of this weather.

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