Thursday 9 July 2015

Day 36 (July 4th, 2015): Back in QLD - Camooweal to Cloncurry

This morning we left Camooweal heading for Cloncurry for our next stop over on the way home. 

We are well and truly back in QLD now ----

--- and vehicle Max Speed limit is again 110km/ hr - which means we no longer see the insane 130km/hr speed limit road signs that you now see along all the major highways in NT. Fortunately we did not encounter too any drivers or road trains doing this speed and you can be sure that we were not one of them.

We are starting to also see a few goats around the roadside out along this road today as we head firstly into Mt Isa for a last grocery shop to get us home and also for a shower.

The visitors centre at Mt Isa has hot showers for travellers for just $2.00 - and since we had now had 2x free camps with no facilities we were looking for a nice shower.

Just coming into the western outskirts of Mt Isa we were pulled over by Police doing a roadside check of most of the vehicles coming from the west. They had been doing this for a couple of days looking to catch people bringing fireworks back into QLD after purchasing them in NT. Fireworks are sold to the general public in NT coming up to Territory Day and they are allowed to be used only on this day. 
Fireworks are banned completely for the general public in QLD - but people do try to bring them back into the state. We chatted a bit with a young policewoman and she advised they were catching a few today already.
We were simply asked where we had come from today and were we carrying any fireworks - whi'stanither couple of cops had a bit of a glance in the back of the ute and the canopy. Whilst they had you stopped they also did a breathalyser test and then we were on our way again.

Mt Isa was a long stop today - as along with the shopping and showering we also had a nice lunch at the Visitors Centre before heading off for Cloncurry. 
(No sight seeing in Mt Isa as we have been through here and had a night, and a day, to look around on our previous trip a couple of years ago)

It was surprising how we felt with being back again in the major centre that is Mt Isa with its traffic lights.

Cloncurry is quite a reasonable centre for this Qld Nth West region but we were not really able to spend any time looking around this trip - so when we arrived around 3 pm we were looking for a camp for the night and just happy to settle in and enjoy a relaxing afternoon in the warm sun.

We had been trying to work out our route for the rest of the journey home and tonight we settled with going back pretty much the way we came - but a lot slower and staying at a couple of places that we have really enjoyed on our previous travels through this part of QLD.

So tomorrow we will be heading for Winton.


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