Saturday 3 May 2014

Saturday 19th April, 2014: Climbing Big Red!! We make it to Birdsville.

Today we are up early - having brekkie and packing up ready to hit the sand dunes again as we make our way to Poeppel corner and then onto the QAA line and on to 'Big Red'.

We are still blown away by the simple beauty of the sand dunes that surround us.

Cindy takes some of the kids exploring around the campsite this morning - and I do a bit myself.
Here a few of the interesting things found.

Tiny tracks in the sand - looks like lizard bird tracks we think??

Also a birds nest - with 2 eggs in it. This was fascinating as the nest is just made in a shallow hollow in the sand. No wonder the birds were hanging around it so much - if they left it for too long the eggs would probably be scavenged by some other bird or animal.

We had some fun again today with driving the dunes - 
A few of our cars got bogged getting over some of the bigger dunes.

At this stop - the kids decided to have a great time running, jumping and sliding down the top of the dune

Whilst some of us just posed for photos. 
Who is that pooer little boy lost on the far right there - Nobody wants to play with him??

Neil managed to "park"his car again ontop of a dune

Sorry Neil - nut I think having to be pulled backwards off the dune means you were bogged

And some people just want to have fun - getting "some air" - and making sure they get over some of the dunes and don't suffer the embarrassment of being bogged - as this does create quite a bit of ribbing from the other guys in the group

Go John!!! Wooohooo!!!

Our first stop on the track is Poeppel Corner -  which is the intersection of the state borders of SA, NT and QLD.

Of course we do have to take turns having our photo taken at this point of interest - here are a few

It's here we meet up again with some people that we have been running into on and off since leaving Leigh Creek. One of the guys in this group unfortunately still appears to be wearing his "rugger" shorts from the 70s / 80s - somewhat shorter and tighter than most men would want to be seen dead in these days.
This did cause quite a bit of snickering from the women our group - every time we ran into them over the next few days.
It even spawned a couple of "rugger boy" look-alikes ("rugger boy" being the nickname we have given this guy) - from amongst our group. Stunning as they are - I don't they really quite capture the true look!!

It's then back to the dune driving again - but this time we head off along the QAA line - which will lead us into Birdsville.  The dunes are now getting much further apart and bigger as we head further east -and also much flatter on top.

Finally we are on approach to "Big Red" and my heart starts pounding as I find myself looking at the beast that it is- the last and biggest sand dune by far on our journey across the Simpson from West to East.

We stop at the bottom to let our tyres down even further for the ascent of Big Red (most went down to about 15psi) - well back to give ourselves a good run up for the climb.

This is Russels approach for his first attempt! - unfortunately he did not make it this time.

Go Steve!!!

I made it on the 3rd attempt!!!  I was pumped!!

Some of the guys decide to go back down and come up again - only this time taking an even harder / steeper track up.

Neil almost makes it on the 2nd go on this track

We did a bit of celebrating and photo session when we were all up the top

We had a great time on this journey across the Simpson and a big thank you to Neil for organising the trip - and to the companionship and support of everyone who came along on this adventure.

We (Moores and I) are especially thankful for the support all the guys gave 'us girls' in the Hikux throughout the journey!!

And to think we almost did not come because I was sceptical as to how we would handle the desert driving. 
But - WE DID IT!!!!!! ---  And we had to drive through mud as well to get to the desert!!

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