Thursday 1 May 2014

Friday 18th April,2014: Travelling the French Line

This was our second day of driving the dunes heading along the French line from Dalhousie Springs to Birdsville.

I find myself in the rhythm of (mostly) happily "waddling" over the dunes without any real issue today. It is a bit mesmerising and sort of relaxing and I am really starting to enjoy driving in the desert.

We did have a couple of events where some of our crew wanted to "play" in the sand.
Was this one a bog perhaps Neil???
The kids were out of the car and there was digging involved - so it's seems that this constitutes a "bog". Although Neil did try to argue still that it was a "park".

Today we need to halt our progress a couple of times to assist another vehicle coming in the opposite direction  accross the French Line (from East to West).

And - the photographer had to scurry out of the way a couple of times.
Run Moore Run!!!!

We did encounter a few more extensive Claypans. The idea here is to be sure not to stray from the track across. It appears to be quite soft away from this track.

I think we are starting to see more of our surroundings now and we start to take more notice of the beauty and the evidence of life in the desert.

Some plants and flowers

And some interesting 'tracks' - of what we are not sure

Today we hoped we would make it to Poeppel Corner for our camp site - 

 but with our progress still being quite slow today - and also with stopping to help other travellers we do not quite make it there for tonight.

Again we strike camp at about 5ish when the temp is starting to drop and the flies starting to abate.

There is some fuel top ups tonight

-   but we are doing really well with fuel consumption and elect not to top up with the 20ltr jerry can of diesel we are carrying- we thought we would keep it in the jerry can in case any one else needs it tomorrow.

Another beautiful sunset

And - Wow what an amazing moon we see tonight!!

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