Sunday 4 August 2013

Day 48 & Day 49: Cunnamulla

Day 48:

We are just taking it pretty easy now and were on the road to Cunnamulla this morning at 9am. It's only a short 67km drive this morning.

Arriving at morning tea time we headed into a great little cafe - 'Boulders' (even had free WiFi - but I still had trouble with uploading the blog- gggrrrr!!) for coffee and muffins.

We checked out the statue of the "Cunnamulla Fella".
Stan Coster wrote the words for the song 'Cunnamulla Fella' when he was 'ringing' in the Cunnamulla district around the 1950's. Slim Dusty later recorded the song and it has more recently been recorded by Lee Kernaghan. The Cunnamulla Fella is the larrikin in all Australians. In the 1950 and 60's, Cunnamulla was enjoying prosperity and growth due to a strong wool industry. Friday and Saturday nights saw the young ringers and shearers race to town for dancin', lovin' and fightin'. These Young blokes worked hard and tommorrow was a long way off.

Then to the information centre to ask about camping sites - but with no free camps around town we elected to stay at a fairly new caravan park right on the banks of the Warrego River just 3km out of town.
We should do some more washing any way!!!

The location of the park is very nice and we have a spot right on the river.
It is a very new park and they are setting it all up quite nicely.
They even have bautiful rose bushes out the back of the laundry surrounding the clothesline.
We sorted the washing, some fresh food shopping and exploring around town.
Then we were just settling in to an enjoyable late afternoon on the river bank - when we got caught up in conversation with a couple camped near us. It was enjoyable to chat with them - but we found it difficult to get away and we missed out on a quiet relaxing sit by the river. Bugger!!!

We did see the beautiful sunset!!
We had to organise dinner then - so by the time we had eaten everyone else had finished up for the evening round the communal fire and disappeared to their respective camps for dinner.
Seems this crowd do an early and long Happy Hour and that's it.
By 8.00 the fire was burning without out a soul there to enjoy it.

I have to say it was a pretty warm evening so we did not bother to head over and sit on our own.

I should have known it was too warm as about an hour later it started to shower on and off and as the night progressed it got heavier. By morning the place was pretty messy and muddy.

Day 49:

I did find it nice to be lulled by the sound of the rain last night and it was lovely slumbering in bed late this morning knowing that it was still showering outside and not feeling the need to get up and do anything.

Once we took a look out we decided today would be a good day to head into a cafe for breakfast.

It is raining across the region here so we decided we may as well stay put where we are for another night.

It was a tough day - cafe breakfast (very nice cafe called Boulders - and very well set up with the bonus of free wifi), couple cups of coffee whilst reading a mag, a bit of local sight seeing.
The local museum at the information centre was well worth the $10 each - with a very well presented and interesting DVD about the Great Artesian Basin and stepping into a virtual time machine to travel back to the time when the Artesian Basin was formed was great. You stepped into what was like an old lift in a mine shaft - the doors closed and then it shakes & grumbles & shudders and they have an effect make you feel as if you are descending faster and faster. A the same time there is a digital clock counting backwards at first by hours, days, years and finally millions of years and tens of millions of years. Really it was simple but very effective in creating the illusion of travelling back in time in a "time-machine".
The countdown stops at 95 millions years ago - the door opens and you walk out into a dark tunnel surrounded by the noise of dinosaurs.

Then lunch and coffee, at 'Boulders' again and reading their mags.

Off then to check out a few sites around town -

* The Hotel Cunnamulla:
* The railway station: there is apparently only 3x railway stations in Qld with a covered platform such as this one in Cunnamulla.

* The Cunnamulla mural
* The Club Boutique Hotel
Not quite what we expected for the "Club Boutique" monica
* some cute old houses around town
We returned to camp at about 2.30 - amazing how you can while away the day.
We spent the afternoon wandering outside, trying to dodge the mud, between showers of rain and taking it easy just reading.
Before we knew it 5pm had come and gone.

Earlier in the day I had phoned Robyn at 'Charlotte Plains' - the station stay we wanted to go to (about 60km out of Cunnamulla)
She will ring us in the morning after she has assessed the road into the property.
We have our "fingers crossed" with the weather - as she said the road in today is pretty awful.

We are also hoping we won't be doing a wet and muddy pack up in the morning.
I think we should have not got this close to the coast - we should have stayed out west!!!!

The weather did start to fine up before we organised dinner - but we kept it pretty simple and had canned soup for dinner with bread sopped up in it.
We also ate inside the camper for the first time as it was still pretty muddy out and we had not put up the awning.

It was still not raining when we went to bed tonight - so we are hopeful for tomorrow being fine.

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