Monday 7 August 2017

Road Trip 2017 - Day 22 (29th July) - Checking out Maryborough!!

This morning we travelled into Gayndah with Cindy and Russ and had morning tea at the local bakery before sadly parting company with them.

Gayndah is situated on the banks of the might Burnett River - not a lot of water in it when we were there - but it can be a fearsome beast and Gayndah has suffered in times of flood.

Having a bit of a wander to check the river we spy a flock of Pelicans - and they are "herd fishing" - grouping together to herd and encircle their fish prey and then they all duck their bills in together to hopefully catch some fish.

Cindy and Russ are now on a mission to get south to Newcastle -  and we have decided we are going to head on over to the coast to Hervey Bay.
SInce we are so close, and it's the right time of the season, we are thinking that we should take in a whale watching tour.

We have decided to stay over in Maryborough and travel the 30mins from here into Hervey Bay to do the whale watching your.

After leaving Cindy and Russ we have to head back through Biggenden and then East on the Maryborough-Biggenden Road to Maryborough.
We ended up at the Maryborough showground - a nice cheap campsite with quite a few other travellers. Definitely much cheaper than staying in Hervey Bay and for $20 we had power and good hot showers.

After lunching at this campsite we jump in LC and drive into Maryborough to take a look around this town and to grab a few groceries at the supermarket.

We park and walk down to the riverside of the Mary River to check out the historic precinct of Maryborough.

We find a lovely cafe at the Marina -  of course we have to stop for coffee - it's just lovely sitting by the river in the sun.

We walk through the park and find this lovely memorial statue to the first Australian Digger to set foot ashore at Gallipoli (believed to be Duncan Chapman from Maryborough).
- it's a very simple but moving installation.

On our further wandering of this area we find this interesting piece of work ---

And these 'Ships Bollards' --

I have managed to book us on a whale watching tour from Hervey Bay tomorrow at 11am - we are very excited and so looking forward to tomorrow.

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